Hazara Culture

Hazaragi Proverbs

Author: Dr. Akbar M Shahristani

دیگاره مار میزنه مره قُقری

بخت چون برگشت فالوده دندان بشکند.

[ The serpent stings other people, and the frog stings me. ]

Misfortune never comes alone.

Misfortunes arrive on horseback but departs on foot.

Misery likes company.

دِوال موش دَره، موش گوش دره.

[ A wall has a mouse, a mouse has ears. ]

Hedges have eyes and walls have ears.

Walls have ears.

راس دَ رایه، قَلف دَ چایه.

[ Honesty is on the trail, dishonesty is in the well. ]

Cheaters never prosper.

Plain dealing is a jewel.

راسه از بچکیچه پُرسان کو.

[ Ask the truth from a child. ]

Children and fools cannot lie.

An innocent child will give a true answer.

راه مکه از خیز کدو تامو نموشه.

[ You can’t cover the distance up to Makkah by running. ]

An oak is not felled at one stroke.

A strong town is not won in an hour.

رفتنی ها رای خوره مِی گیره، مندَنی ره اِیت دیو نِیه.

[ The ones that die go their way, yet no evil will come on those who remain. ]

Nothing dries sooner than a tear.

رفیق خوب روز بَد.

[ A good friend in a bad day. ]

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

روبا اُمید خایِه قوشقار.

[ The fox is hoping that the testicle of a ram might drop. ]

He who waits for a dead man’s shoes is in danger of going barefoot. (French Proverb)

از یک خانه آغِیل نموشه، از یک نفر لَشکر.

[ One home cannot make a village, one person cannot make a troop. ]

In union there is strength.

روز ندیده ره روز ندیه، پای چَگ چَگه موزه.

چه داند کور مادر زاد قدر چشم روشن را.

[ To the one who has not seen wealth, wealth should not be given , neither should boots be given to one with cracked feet.]

When a peasant gets rich, he knows neither relations nor friends. (Spanish Proverb).

روغو زرد تَی آش خاو نمُوکُنه.

[ Butter ghee won’t settle under the noodles ]

Water and oil do not mix.

زِبو ام بلایه، اَم طلا.

بلای آدمی آمد زبانش؛ که در وی بسته شد سود و زیانش.

[ The tongue is a calamity as well as gold. ]

Death and life are in the power of the tongue.

زِبونِ سُرخ سرِ سِیاه ره دَ باد میدیه.

بلای آدمی آمد زبانش؛ که در وی بسته شد سود و زیانش.

[ The tongue is a calamity as well as gold. ]

Death and life are in the power of the tongue.

زَخم بَد جور موشه، تورِه بَد نه.

بلای آدمی آمد زبانش؛ که در وی بسته شد سود زیانش.

[ A bad wound will be cured, but a bad word won’t be cured. ]

The tongue is more venomous than a serpent’s sting.

A cruel tongue does more hurt than a sharp sword.

زخم تِیر خوب شده زَخمِ زِبو نه.

[ The bullet wound has been cured, but not that of the tongue. ]

Words cut more than swords.

زن لَخشوم نگیر که یار دَره، زَن پَخ پَخ بِگیر که کار دره.

[ Don’t get married with a beautiful woman who has a lover, marry an ugly women that shall work hard.]

The ugliest girl makes the best housewife.

زور کم قار کَلو.

[ Less power, more anger. ]

Anger without power is folly. (German Proverb)

سالِ بَد موره، نامِ بد مومنه.

[ A bad year goes, but a bad name remains. ]

A wounded reputation is seldom cured.

سال خوب از بَهارخو مالوم موشه.

[ A good year is understood by its spring. ]

As goes the spring, so goes the year.

سر خوره که جای کد، جارو دَ دُم خو بسته مونه.

سو استفاده افراد ابن الوقت از فرصت بدست آمده.

[ After placing his head, he ties a broom to his tail. ]

Give him an inch and he will take a mile.