Hazara Culture

Hazaragi Proverbs

Author: Dr. Akbar M Shahristani

غریب ام خدا دره.

[ The poor have God too. ]

God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb.

غریبه کَس از شار بور نمونه.

[ No one throws the poor out of the city. ]

No naked man is sought after to be rifled.

غم دَ دُرو، رَنگ دَ بُرو.

[ Lamenting inside, colour (is reflected) outside. ]

Care brings grey hair.

قد کونه خو بِساز که نوی مَردم گِرانه.

[ Get along with your used things, because the new things of others are expensive. ]

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

One’s own kopeks are worth more than somebody else’s rubles. (Russian Proverb)

قَد یَک تیر دو نَشانه میزنه.

[ He shoots two targets with one bullet. ]

Kill two birds with one stone.

قدر کَمه بدَن تا دَ کَلو بِرَسی.

[ Be grateful of little, so that you shall have abundantly. ]

Take care of pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.

قرضداری که دَ یک لَک رسید، مرغ پلو دِ.

[ When your loan reaches to a hundred thousand, then feast on chicken and rice. ]

One murder makes a villain, millions a hero.

قطره قطره جمع شده دریا موشه.

[ Drops collected make a sea. ]

Many drops make a shower.

Drops that gather one by one finally become a sea.

قَلعه بِلَند نامِ بِیرو دَرد نَموخوره.

[ A high fort and a ruined name, isn’t useful. ]

He that lost his credit, is dead to the world.

قِیمَت بی حِکمَت نِیه، آرزو بی عِلَت نیه.

ارزان خری، انبان خری

[ A (high) price isn’t without wisdom, a cheap (price) isn’t without reason. ]

You get what you pay for.

کار از ابَلَکی سامو نموشه.

[ Work cannot be finished by haste. ]

The longest way round is the shortest way home.* Slow but sure wins the race.

More haste less speed.

کار از تُوره سامو نَموشه.

[ Work cannot be done by talking. ]

Talk doesn’t cook rice. ( Chinese proverb )

کار امروزه دَ صبا نَیِل.

[ Don’t leave today’s task for tomorrow. ]

Never leave till tomorrow what you can do today.

کار بَچه کَچّه یه.

[ There is a defect in work of the boy. ]

Boys will be boys.

کار دَ اَول سَر نمیرسه.

[ Work won’t be finished by haste. ]

More haste, less speed.

کار دَ زِبو آسو یه.

[ Work is easy by saying. ]

Easier said than done.

کار ره اَسباب نه، لاف ره خونده میزنه.

[ The tools perform the task; the owner of the tools boasts. ]

You can’t make bricks without straw.

کار کو دَ اندازه که از پای نَه اندازه.

[ Work with measure so that you may not faint. ]

All work no play makes Jake a dull boy.

کُوݖه دَ وار خو شِیره.

[ A dog in his own den is a lion. ]

Dog is a lion in his own house.

A dog is stout on his own dunghill. (French proverb)

کُوݖه خاو رَفته ره بیدار نَکو.

[ Don’t awake a sleeping dog. ]

Let the sleeping dog lie.