Hazara Culture

Hazaragi Proverbs

Author: Dr. Akbar M Shahristani

نَه قَیماق موخوره، نَه پَس بَرگو موره.

[ He neither eats cream nor takes care of kids and lambs. ]

A beggar can never be bankrupt.

If we have not the world’s wealth, we have the world’s ease.

نیم نان راحت جان.

هرکه بامش بیش برفش بیش.

[ Half a bread, a comfortable life. ]

Poor folk fare the best.

نیمچه مُلا خطر ایمان، نِیمچه داکتر خطر جان.

[ Half a Mullah is a hazard for the faith, half a doctor is a hazard for one’s life. ]

A little learning is a dangerous thing.

وطَن کَشمیره.

[ Homeland is Kashmir. ]

East or west, home is the best.

وُوشبُورغُو از سایه خو می تَرسه.

[ A timid person is afraid of his shadow. ]

Cowardice is afraid to be known or seen.

وُقی کَلو شد، قُل بیرو شد.

[ When the leaders ot too many, the village got destroyed. ]

There is no good accord, where every man would be a lord.

اَر تریکی دَ پَس خو یک روشنی دره.

[ Every darkness is succeeded by a light. ]

The darkest hour is that before the dawn.

اَر جای که دِل رَفت، پای موره.

[ Any where your heart goes, your feet will go. ]

Where there is will there is a way

اَرکار اَول خو یَک سختی دره.

[ Every work is difficult in the beginning. ]

Every beginning is hard.

The longest step on a journey is the first one.

اَر کار ره دَ خون گَرم شی.

[ Every work at the time when the blood is still warm ]

Strike while the iron is hot.

You should perform the task when you have opportunity

اَرکَس آسمو ره از موری خود خو مینگره.

[ Every one sees the sky from the roof opening of his own home. ]

Every man judges others by himself.

اَرکس بَلی نِماد آوارکدِه خود خو میشینه.

[ As you spread your felt you shall sit on it. ]

As you make your bed you must lie on it. Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. ( Psalm )

اَرکس بینی خو ره سیاه کد آیِنگر نموشه.

[ Every man who blackens his nose won’t be a blacksmith. ]

All that glitters is not gold.

اَرکَس پیش اَمَد، خوش اَمد.

[ Any one who comes first, is welcomed. ]

The early bird catches the worm.

He that comes first to the hill, may sit where he wants.

اَرکَس زَر دَره، زور دَره.

[ One who has money, has power. ]

Money is power.

اَرکَس قوغه بَلِه نانِ خود خو کَش مونه.

[ Every one heaps up the ember on his own bread. ]

Everyone rakes the fire under his own pot.

اَرکَس کِشت خوره دِرِو مونه.

از مکافات عمل غافل مشو؛ گندم از گندم بروید جو ز جو.

[ Everyone reaps his own harvest. ]

As you sow, so shall you reap. (Psalm 1...)

A person gets his just dessert.

اَرکَس میدنه کار شی.

به کار دیگران کار نداشته باشید

[ Every one knows his own work. ]

Every man to his trade.

The cobbler should stick to his last.

اَر کَس ناخو دَره حَلوا موخوره.

هرکه آب از دم شمشیر خورد نوشش باد

[ Everyone who has a finger will eat Halwa (a sweet dish ).]

The early birds catches the worm.

اَر گُورو ره یک دَورونه.

[ Every cowboy has a turn ]

Every dog has his day.