آغیل   /ɑʁil/


  ا ,     n

  قریه، دھکده، روستا، قصبه کوچک درمناطق اطراف که دارای چند خانهباشد؛ محل نگھداری بز و گوسفند در شب۔

village, hamlet, human settlement, a group of houses situated close to each other in the rural areas; sheep-fold, an enclosure where sheep and goats are kept during the night


از یَک خانه آغِیل نَموشه و اَز یَک نَفَر لَشکَر نَموشه۔

One home cannot make a village, one person cannot make a troop. (Proverb meaning: In union there is strength).



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